Instrument and Control System Forums

Useful links to larger forums follow, these cover general instrumentation, fieldbus and safety systems:

  • ISA Technical Forums (the ISA is a great organisation to join)
  • Foundation fieldbus forum - a super FF resource moderated by Ian Verhappen.
  •, the global online community of automation professionals. Check out the technical articles and participate in the technical discussions.
  • Engineering Tips - Intelligent Work Forums for Engineering Professionals.
  • "The Harrow Technology Report" - "The Harrow Technology Report" explores the innovations and trends of many contemporary and emerging technologies, and then draws some less than obvious connections between them, to help us each survive and prosper in the Knowledge Age.
  • "The Harrow Technology Report" is brought to you by Jeffrey R. Harrow, Principal of The Harrow Group.
  • Technologies to Watch from ZNet news.
  • Nanotechnology: the Coming Revolution in Molecular Manufacturing - from the Foresight Institute. Not really into Instrumentation but futuristic certainly, and I guess that some measurements will have to be made to make it all come together. Very interesting stuff - Comment from Jim Russell ICEweb

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